Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two Birthdays

Luigi Boccherini was born today in 1743 in Italy. I only know one piece by him, which is quite well-known - the minuet movement of his String Quintet in E major, Op. 13, No. 5. It's quite a delightful little piece, sounding somewhat like Mozart.

Another of his pieces shows up in the end of the movie "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World" - "La Musica Notturna Delle Strade Di Madrid No. 6, Op. 30"

That's all I have to say... other than today is my birthday, too (30th)!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dan! Today was a very special day in our family - we adopted Maria at 8:12 AM. We'll never forget it.

I recognize Boccherini's Sring Quartet in E major, however the other one was new. It felt wonderfully modern to see two friends 'jam' together - that was a nice scene.


Cheryl FM said...

Happpy Birthday!

And thanks so much for doing these lovely musical posts - I really enjoy them, even if I don't always click through to tell you how much I enjoy them.

Give my love to Ms. Katie and Ms. Rachel, please!

buggydaddy said...

Bill, that's great - what a blessing! I'm so happy for you guys! That last link with the 'jam' session is very special indeed. The interaction between Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany in that movie, not to mention the great music and a whole lot of other awesome things all combine to make that movie one of my all-time favorites.

Cheryl - thanks for the comment. It'll keep my motivation up for the scads of upcoming birthdays in March... 12 at least!