Saturday, August 9, 2008

A New Addition to the Family

I'd like to take a little welcome break from composer birthdays to announce that we have a new addition to the family. Our beautiful Rebekah was born on August 6 around 9 pm. We just got home from the hospital this morning and everyone's getting a much-needed rest. Similar to my other daughter, Rachel, Rebekah has some newborn jaundice and had to be kept an extra night on phototherapy. Slightly inconvenient, since we had to spend the night in the waiting room, with my wife nursing her in the nursery every 3 hours (my wife had used up her maximum of 2 post-partum nights in the hospital already). But Rebekah's bilirubin is leveling off, so there is no need for home phototherapy. Yippee! Isn't she adorable? Aren't both my kids the cutest little things you ever saw?


michelle said...

Hooray! Welcome Rebekah! She is wonderful, and huge! Congrats to Katie for the successful VBAC! And yes, your two girls are the cutest things ever (of course, besides my own little guy).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dan! I can't wait to meet my new little niece!!